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Title Year Type Author(s)
Hydrogen Emergency Response Training For First Responders 2011 Conference Proceedings M.R. Elmore, L.L. Fassbender, J.J. Hamilton, S.C. Weiner
Inactivation of BVDV (experimental model for hepatitis C) using low pH and heat treatment in intravenous human immunoglobulins 1999 Journal Article I.J.Ruibal Brunet, N. Romero, A.T.Rivero Mas, R.Z.Martin Garcia
Risk Reduction Potential of Accidnet Prevention and Mitigation Features 2011 Conference Proceedings J.A. Barclay
Hydrogen Venting Under Variable Flow Conditions 2011 Conference Proceedings D. Mattorano, T. Merinar
Simulation of the Efficiency of Hydrogen Recombiners as Safety Devices 2011 Conference Proceedings E.A. Reinecke, S. Kelm, W. Jahn, C. Jakel, H.J. Allelein
Use of Hydrogen Safety Sensors Under Anaerobic Conditions - Impact of Oxygen Content on Sensor Performance 2011 Conference Proceedings W.J. Buttner, R. Burgess, C. Rivkin, M.B. Post, L. Boon-Brett, G. Black, F. Harskamp, P. Moretto
New China National Standard on Safety of Hydrogen Systems - Keys for Understadning and Use 2011 Conference Proceedings K. Ou, J. Zheng, X. Liu, Y. Zhao, L. Chen, Y. He
Numerical Study on Fast Filling of 70 MPA Hydrogen Vehicle Cylinder 2011 Conference Proceedings Prankul Middha, Derek Engel, Olav Hansen
Shock-Initiated Ignition for Hydrogen Mixtures of Different Concentrations 2011 Conference Proceedings J. Melguizo-Gavilanes, L. Bauwens
Development of an Italian Fire Prevention Technical Rule for Hydrogen Pipelines 2011 Conference Proceedings N. Mattei, M.N. Carcassi, N. Ciannelli, F. Pilo
Numerical Study of Spontaneous Ignition of Pressurized Hydrogen Release Through a Length of Tube with Local Contraction 2011 Conference Proceedings B.P. Xu, J.X. Wen
Hydrogen Storage - Industrial Perspectives 2011 Conference Proceedings H. Barthelemy
Flame Acceleration and Transition From Deflagration to Detonation in Hydrogen Explosions 2011 Conference Proceedings A. Heidari, J.X. Wen
Real Gas Equations of State for the Gasflow CFD Code 2011 Conference Proceedings J.R. Travis, J. Xiao, Z. Xu, P. Koch, T. Jordan
A Homogeneous Non-Equilibrium Two-Phase Critical Flow Model 2011 Conference Proceedings J.R. Travis, W. Breitung, P. Koch, T. Jordan
Experimental Study of the Concentration Build-Up Regimes in an Enclosure Without Ventilation 2011 Conference Proceedings B. Cariteau, I. Tkatschenko
Experimental Study of Hydrogen Releases in the Passenger Compartment of a Piaggio Porter 2011 Conference Proceedings M. Schiavetti, V. Mattoli, G. Lutzemberger, P. Dario, M. Carcassi
Experimental Study of the Effects of Vent Geometry on the Dispersion of a Buoyant Gas in a Small Enclosure 2011 Conference Proceedings B. Cariteau, I. Tkatschenko
Quantitative Imaging of Multi-Component Turbulent Jets 2011 Conference Proceedings A. Ash, N. Djilali, P. Oshkai
Safety Distances - Comparison of the Methodologies for Their Determination 2011 Conference Proceedings M. Vanuzzo, M. Carcassi
Numerical Investigation of a Mechanical Device Subjected to a Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition 2011 Conference Proceedings A. Beccantini, P. Galon
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Hydrogen Oxygen Mixture with a Detailed Chemical Reaction Mechanism 2011 Conference Proceedings M.A. Liberman, M.F. Ivanov, A.D. Kiverin
Hydrogen-Methane Mixtures - Dispersion and Stratification Studies 2011 Conference Proceedings F. Greco, L. Ventrelli, P. Dario, V. Mattoli
Ignitability and Mixing of Under Expanded Hydrogen Jets 2011 Conference Proceedings G. Petitpas, S.M. Aceves
Ignition and Heat Radiation of Cryogenic Hydrogen Jets 2011 Conference Proceedings B. Xu, J. Wen, V. H. Y. Tam
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