In depth studies of cold neutron sources have been carried out at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute since the early 1970's. The 18 MW WWR-M reactor has been developed to allow a cold source to produce at experimental installation a polarized cold neutron flux of 6x10(8)n/cm(2)s and an ultracold neutron flux of 6x10(3) n/cm(2)s. Experience gained with the WWR-M and other reactors has resulted in a safety strategy. That includes the hazards of operating hydrogen and also provided insight into the reactivity effects of a cold source on the reactor core.
Times Cited: 0 International Topical Meeting on Advanced Reactors Safety (ARS 97) Jun 01-05, 1997 Orlando, fl Amer Nucl Soc, Nucl Installat Safety Div; Atomic Energy Soc Japan; Canadian Nucl Soc; Korea Nucl Soc; European Nucl Soc; US DOE; Org Econ Cooperat & Dev; Int Atomic Energy Agcy 0