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Potential for Hydrogen Production From Biomass Residues in the Valencian Community-Paper

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R. Cardenas; D. Alfonso; E. Penalvo; A. Perez-Navarro; C. Perpina; C. Vargas

The production of hydrogen from renewable sources is essential to develop the future hydrogeneconomy. Biomass is an abundant, clean and renewable energy source and it can be important in theproduction of hydrogen. The Valencian Community due to its great agricultural and forestry activities,generates an important quantity of biomass residues that can be used for energy generation,approximately 778 kt of wet biomass residues per year. This great quantity of biomass can betransformed into a hydrogen-rich gas by different thermochemical conversion processes. In this articlethe potential of production of hydrogen-rich gas is analyzed, considering several factors affecting theconversion yield of these processes. As a result of this analysis it could be possible to produce 1271MNm3 of H2 per year considering the total biomass residues of the community and selecting thegasification processes.Keywords: Hydrogen, Biomass, Gasification.

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