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Possibilities of hydrogen storage

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N. Jasminska; T. Brestovic


This paper is oriented in this area of hydrogen storage. Hydrogen as an alternative and ecological fuel is becoming very actual and is applied in many stationary and portable applications. One of the most serious problems and advantages of hydrogen technology possibilities is his long-lasting storage. So far used hydrogen storage in the liquid state is now being replaced by the accumulation of hydrogen in metal hydride alloys, which is beneficial also for safety of work and proportion of those mass storage exceeds 6.5 Wt %2 The aim of this work is to compare different types of hydrogen storage based on practical experience.


Times Cited: 0 Kolcun, M Kolcunova, I Kurimsky, J 7th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering (ELEKTROENERGETIKA) Sep 18-20, 2013 Tech Univ Kosice, Fac Elect Engn & Informat, Dept Elect Power Engn, Stara Lesna, SLOVAKIA 978-80-553-1442-6



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