Due to the importance of hydrogen attack regarding the safety and competitivity of the European petrochemical industry, and to the lack of experimental data on hydrogen-creep interaction, a dedicated testing rig has been designed and built at JRC/IAM which allows high internal pressure tube testing with hydrogen at elevated temperatures. The tubes, being under multiaxial stress, simulate closely many industrial components such as hydrocracking pressure vessels and piping. An advanced capacitive method for strain measurements has been developed, and measurements of the hoop strain evolution during testing have provided full creep curves. Special attention to safety aspects, crucial for such experiments, was taken and is described here. Initial results on steel tubes are very promising. Hydrogen attack under multiaxial stress has been produced allowing more reliable information on the mechanisms of damage to be derived.
Times Cited: 0 International Symposium on Case Histories on Integrity and Failures in Industry Sep 28-oct 01, 1999 Milan, italy Italian Grp Fracture; ENEL Res; European Commiss; Museo Sci Tecn; European Struct Integr Soc; Elect Power Res Inst; Met Properties Council; Cent Res Inst Elect Power Ind; Japan Soc Mech Engineers 0