For the safety design and operation of many gas process, it is necessary to know certainexplosion limit, flash point, autoignition temperature (AIT) and minimum oxygen concentration of handlingsubstances. Also it is necessary to know explosion limit at high temperature and pressure. In this studyfor the safe handling of hydrogen, explosion limit and AIT of combustion properties for hydrogen wereinvestigated. By using the literatures data, the lower and upper explosion limits of hydrogen recommended4.0 vol%2and 77.0 vol%2 Also the AIT of hydrogen with ignition sources recomended 400oC at theelectrically heated crucible furnace (the whole surface heating) and recomended 640oC at the local hotlimits of hydrogen are proposed. The values calculated by the proposed equations were a good agreementwith the literature data. , , , , . . 4.0 vol%2 77.0 vol%2 , 400oC, 640oC . , .