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ANSI/ISA-60078-29-1 (12.13.01) - 2003 Explosive Atmospheres Part 29-1: Gas detectors - Performance requirements of detectors for flammable Gases

Application Type
This part of ANSI/ISA- 60079-29 specifies general requirements for construction, testing and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gas or vapor concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in explosive atmospheres. The current edition standard ANSI/ISA-60079-29-1 (12.13.01) -2013 succeeds ANSI/ISA-12.13.01-2002 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod) allowing for the use of the current edition or one previous edition to be valid for approval agency accreditation and product re-certification.
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