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Flare-less compression style fittings are commonly used. Choose tubing materials and tube wall thicknesses suitable for hydrogen and pressures you are using. Make sure all tubing joints are properly made, mechanically supported to minimize stress and vibration, are in a ventilated space, and are easily accessible for inspection and leak testing. 

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Tubing, Guidelines

Hydrogen affects the mechanical properties of most materials. For example, hydrogen reduces the
fracture toughness and increases the fatigue crack growth rate in steels. There is a significant amount of
research, analytical work, and codes and standards development being undertaken to improve our
understanding of how these materials can be utilized in pipelines. The results of the…

Category: Piping
Keywords: Pipeline, Material Compatibility, ASME Standards, Pipeline Safety

Because cast irons are relatively brittle materials, they should generally be avoided in industrial and
transmission pipeline applications. In low pressure applications like residential distribution piping
systems, the use of cast irons is probably acceptable.

Category: Piping
Keywords: Cast Iron, Pipeline, Low-pressure systems, ASME Standards

Acceptability of materials is highly dependent on the specific application. Applied stress levels, exposure to contaminants, the operating temperature, the partial pressure, and number and magnitude of material stress cycles are some of the factors that affect material selection. Guidance is provided within documents such as ISO 11114, Gas cylinders - Compatibility of cylinder and valve…

Category: Piping
Keywords: Material Compatibility, Piping, Austenitic Stainless Steel, ASME Standards

Hydrogen has been transported safely through pipelines for over 50 years. There are dozens of pipeline networks in safe operation globally, with several individual networks that approach up to 1000 miles. 

Significant testing and some demonstration projects are underway to ensure safety. Some of the aspects under investigation include compatibility of the pipe and other materials,…

Category: Piping
Keywords: Hydrogen Blending, Natural Gas, Pipeline, Material Compatibility

The conversion is based on the condition as determined from a variety of non-destructive techniques which are commonly used for pipeline mechanical integrity programs. Existing natural gas pipelines are frequently evaluated for conversion to hydrogen, hydrogen-natural gas blend, and other fluid services.
The conversion can be done safely if handled with the proper expertise and…

Category: Piping
Keywords: Natural Gas, Pipeline

Double pipes can be used in certain circumstances to reduce the likelihood of external leaks and increase
the likelihood of detection by monitoring the space between the two pipes. Vacuum jacketed piping is
double walled and is used in liquid hydrogen service to provide insulation. While not equipped with gas
detection in the annular space, loss of vacuum is used to indicate an…

Category: Piping
Keywords: Double Pipes, Leak Detection, Vacuum Jacketed Piping

Liquid hydrogen is rarely vented as a liquid. If liquid hydrogen is vented, there should be a means to ensure that it is fully vaporized. The vent systems for LH2 tanks are connected to the vapor space on the tanks to ensure in most instances, this occurs. Most vents from a liquid hydrogen system will vent gaseous hydrogen, but this gas, may still be as cold as -420 F. There are no code…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Temperature, LH2, Vent System, Liquid Hydrogen

All vent stacks/systems should be bonded and grounded to minimize ignition sources. Higher pressure streams from higher velocities have a greater risk of igniting for several reasons, including particle impingement. Adding mesh could create more impact points for particulate, which would increase the potential for ignition, but would not increase the probability of a DDT. Similarly, high flow…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Ignite, Vent Stack, Vent System, Deflagration, Detonation, DDT

There is no standard which specifically specifies the use of a flapper. A properly designed flapper should provide de minimus restriction to vent flow, yet still provides weather protection which allows for a vertical release of the vent stack flow, which is best from a dispersion and radiation perspective. Flappers are extensively used successfully and safely on nearly all liquid hydrogen…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Flapper, Vent, Liquid Hydrogen, LH2
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