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Category: Lab Equipment
Keywords: Laboratory, Materials, Piping, Tubing, Outdoors, Storage, Separation Distance, Indoors, Fire Protection, System Design, Ignition Energy, Ignite, Fire, Explosion, Purge, Nitrogen, Helium, Forming Gas, Environment, Vent, Fume Hood, Vent Stack, Tools, Non-Sparking, Flammable, Hazards Analysis, Consequences, Risk, Emergency Response, Joint, Compression Fitting, Cylinder, Storage

Such a compressor should NOT be used for hydrogen. There are many issues with converting a compressor to hydrogen service. First and most important, this must be approved by the manufacturer. Examples of concerns for a non-hydrogen compressor used for hydrogen service include (but are not limited to): 

  1. Are the materials compatible with hydrogen permeation, embrittlement,…
Category: Lab Equipment
Keywords: Compressors, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Compatibility

Even if a small experiment is being run inside a fume hood, the best practice is to use a dedicated vent line for hydrogen which vents hydrogen to a safe location outside.  This is especially recommended for planned venting.   This practice avoids situations where flammable mixtures could develop. Each system is unique and should be evaluated and approved for  use independently…

Category: Lab Equipment
Keywords: Laboratory, Venting

Store flammable gas cylinders such as hydrogen, separated from oxidizing (e.g. oxygen), toxic, pyrophoric, corrosive, and reactive Class 2, 3, or 4 gases. Non-reactive gases, such as helium, may be co-located. See codes and standards such as NFPA 2 [ Incompatible Materials] for further guidance.

Category: Storage
Keywords: Storage, Cylinder, Codes, NFPA 2, Guidelines

Leakage/loss depends on the vessel design. Metallic or metallic lined vessels have extremely low permeability and losses through the vessel walls are typically imperceptible. Conversely, Type IV composite vessels which have non-metallic liners are subject to permeation. They are required to meet maximum permeation rates as part of their certification. Fugitive emissions from piping systems can…

Category: Storage
Keywords: Leak, Vessel Design, Permeation, Emissions

Composite cylinders can be manufactured to standards written by CSA, ASME, and ISO depending on the application and local requirements. Several ISO standards can serve as the basis for composite cylinder approvals within North America.

Category: Storage
Keywords: Composite Cylinders, Storage, ASME Standards, CSA Standards, ISO Standards

Cylinders used within a laboratory can be used safely by meeting the requirements prescribed in NFPA 2,
Hydrogen Technologies Code, and NFPA 45, Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals.
Special consideration should be given to both safe handling and storage of cylinders. Regarding lecture
size cylinders, their small size can make them susceptible to damage and…

Category: Lab Equipment
Keywords: Cylinder, NFPA 2, NFPA 45

Liquid hydrogen is much less likely to pool than liquified natural gas (LNG) due to its low heat of vaporization. Very large facilities are often equipped with methods to enhance vaporization, such as crushed stone under tanks, as well as diversion systems to allow liquid hydrogen to spill and boil off in a safe area. Care needs to be taken that diversion systems do not create a hazardous…

Category: Storage
Keywords: Liquid Hydrogen, Vaporization

By definition, liquid hydrogen can BLEVE, but this is highly unlikely. Liquid hydrogen is stored in a double wall tank with vacuum insulation. This protects the primary pressure vessel from direct impingement and the very cold liquid provides self-cooling of the vessel walls. Tanks are also equipped with redundant pressure relief systems that are sized for fire exposure.

Category: Storage
Keywords: Liquid Hydrogen, Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE), Vacuum insulation

Underground storage tanks can be either installed in a vault or directly buried. Both offer additional
protection from external impact and fire, but each has unique challenges. Vaults must be properly
ventilated and designed to not create an explosion or asphyxiation risk. Direct burial vessels should not
have any underground leak points and must be protected from corrosion. Both…

Category: Storage
Keywords: Underground, Tank, Ventilation
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