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The Panel recommends performing a pressure test at 110% of design pressure. This requirement should be applied to all systems regardless of construction type since the intent is to ensure pressure integrity and proper installation. All fitting types have modes of failure during installation. For example, there are numerous examples where compression fittings have had ferrules installed…
The HSP recommends against the use of glycols for pressure tests due to the difficulty of adequately removing all glycol that might be left in a system after a hydrotest. The HSP recommends a pneumatic test at 110% of the system maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), which is acceptable by code. Due to an increased danger with pneumatics vs hydrotesting, establish a pressure test zone for…
Such a compressor should NOT be used for hydrogen. There are many issues with converting a compressor to hydrogen service. First and most important, this must be approved by the manufacturer. Examples of concerns for a non-hydrogen compressor used for hydrogen service include (but are not limited to):
Even if a small experiment is being run inside a fume hood, the best practice is to use a dedicated vent line for hydrogen which vents hydrogen to a safe location outside. This is especially recommended for planned venting. This practice avoids situations where flammable mixtures could develop. Each system is unique and should be evaluated and approved for use independently…
Hydrogen affects the mechanical properties of most materials. For example, hydrogen reduces the
fracture toughness and increases the fatigue crack growth rate in steels. There is a significant amount of
research, analytical work, and codes and standards development being undertaken to improve our
understanding of how these materials can be utilized in pipelines. The results of the…
Because cast irons are relatively brittle materials, they should generally be avoided in industrial and
transmission pipeline applications. In low pressure applications like residential distribution piping
systems, the use of cast irons is probably acceptable.
Acceptability of materials is highly dependent on the specific application. Applied stress levels, exposure to contaminants, the operating temperature, the partial pressure, and number and magnitude of material stress cycles are some of the factors that affect material selection. Guidance is provided within documents such as ISO 11114, Gas cylinders - Compatibility of cylinder and valve…
Hydrogen has been transported safely through pipelines for over 50 years. There are dozens of pipeline networks in safe operation globally, with several individual networks that approach up to 1000 miles.
Significant testing and some demonstration projects are underway to ensure safety. Some of the aspects under investigation include compatibility of the pipe and other materials,…
Cylinders used within a laboratory can be used safely by meeting the requirements prescribed in NFPA 2,
Hydrogen Technologies Code, and NFPA 45, Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals.
Special consideration should be given to both safe handling and storage of cylinders. Regarding lecture
size cylinders, their small size can make them susceptible to damage and…
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