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The Hydrogen Safety Panel was tasked with conducting work under the project “Hydrogen Safety Panel Review of Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Projects,” through memorandum purchase order DCO-0-40618-01 with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding.  Panel members reviewed project safety plans, conducted safety review site visits for selected projects, and prepared safety evaluation reports for the sites visited that included safety recommendations for the project teams.
It has been suggested that separation or safety distances for pressurised hydrogen storage can be reduced by the inclusion of walls or barriers between the hydrogen storage and vulnerable plant or other items. Various NFPA codes [1] suggest the use of 60 inclined fire barriers for protection against jet flames in preference to vertical ones. Work by Sandia National Laboratories [2] included experiments and modeling aimed at characterisation of the effectiveness of barrier walls at reducing hazards.
Safety Standard for Hydrogen and Hydrogen Systems
NASA - Office of Safety and Mission Assurance
This document and its companion document, Safety Standard for Oxygen and Oxygen Systems (NSS1740.151996),are identified as Tier 2 Standards and Technical Requirements in the NASA Safety and Documentation Tree (NHB 1700.1 1993). The information presented is intended as a reference to hydrogen design and practice and not as an authorizing document. The words "shall" and "must" are used in this document to indicate a mandatory requirement, and the authority for the requirement is given.
Disclaimer- The documents and references herein are for information purposes only and should not be construed as endorsement by the Hydrogen Safety Panel.
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