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Title Year Type Author(s)
Experimental Study of the Concentration Build-Up Regimes in an Enclosure Without Ventilation 2011 Conference Proceedings B. Cariteau, I. Tkatschenko
Experimental Study of Hydrogen Releases in the Passenger Compartment of a Piaggio Porter 2011 Conference Proceedings M. Schiavetti, V. Mattoli, G. Lutzemberger, P. Dario, M. Carcassi
Experimental Study of the Effects of Vent Geometry on the Dispersion of a Buoyant Gas in a Small Enclosure 2011 Conference Proceedings B. Cariteau, I. Tkatschenko
Quantitative Imaging of Multi-Component Turbulent Jets 2011 Conference Proceedings A. Ash, N. Djilali, P. Oshkai
Safety Distances - Comparison of the Methodologies for Their Determination 2011 Conference Proceedings M. Vanuzzo, M. Carcassi
Numerical Investigation of a Mechanical Device Subjected to a Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition 2011 Conference Proceedings A. Beccantini, P. Galon
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Hydrogen Oxygen Mixture with a Detailed Chemical Reaction Mechanism 2011 Conference Proceedings M.A. Liberman, M.F. Ivanov, A.D. Kiverin
Hydrogen-Methane Mixtures - Dispersion and Stratification Studies 2011 Conference Proceedings A. Marangon, M.N. Carcassi
Ignitability and Mixing of Under Expanded Hydrogen Jets 2011 Conference Proceedings A.J. Ruggles, I.W. Ekoto
Ignition and Heat Radiation of Cryogenic Hydrogen Jets 2011 Conference Proceedings A. Friedrich, W. Breitung, G. Stern, A. Veser, M. Kuznetsov, G. Fast, B. Oechsler, N. Kotchourko, T. Jordan, J.R. Travis, J. Xiao, M. Schwall, M. Rottenecker
Analysis of the Parametric-Acoustic Instability for Safety Assessment of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in Closed Volumes 2011 Conference Proceedings J. Yanez, M. Kuznetsov, R. Redlinger, A. Kotchourko, A. Lelyakin
Safety Aspects in the Production and Separation of Hydrogen From Biomass 2011 Conference Proceedings S. Perez, M. Belsue, O. Gonzalez, A. Unzurrunzaga, I. Azkarate
Addressing Hydrogen Embrittlement of Metals in the SAE J2579 Fuel Cell Vehicle Tank Standard 2011 Conference Proceedings B.P. Somerday, C.S. Sloane
Flammability Limits and Laminar Flame Speed of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures at Sub-Atmospheric Pressures 2011 Conference Proceedings M. Kuznetsov, S. Kobelt, J. Grune, T. Jordan
Spontaneous Ignition Processes Due to High-Pressure Hydrogen Release in Air 2011 Conference Proceedings J. Grune, M. Kuznetsov, A. Lelyakin, T. Jordan
Experimental Study of Ignited Unsteady Hydrogen Releases From a High Pressure Resevoir 2011 Conference Proceedings J. Grune, K. Sempert, M. Kuznetsov, T. Jordan
High-Order Perturbation Solutions to a LH2 Spreading Model with Continuous Spill 2011 Conference Proceedings M. Kim, K. Do, B. Choi, Y. Han
The Correlation Method to Analyze the Gas Mixing Process on the Basis of BOS Method 2011 Conference Proceedings N. Kotchourko, M. Kuznetsov, A. Kotchourko, T. Jordan
Risk Mitigation Strategies for Hydrogen Storage Materials 2011 Conference Proceedings J.A. Cortes-Concepcion, C.W. James, S.M. Everett, J.R. Gray, D.A. Tamburello, D.L. Anton
Hydrogen Tank Filling Experiments at the JRC-IE GASTEF Facility 2011 Conference Proceedings B. Acosta, P. Moretto, N. Frischauf, F. Harskamp, C. Bonato
LESSONS LEARNED FROM SAFETY EVENTS 2011 Conference Proceedings S.C. Weiner, L.L. Fassbender
A New Technology for Hydrogen Safety - Glass Structures as a Storage System 2011 Conference Proceedings R. Meyer, K. Holtappels, M. Beckmann-Kluge, D. Eliezer
QRA Including Utility for Decision Support of H2 Infrastructure 2011 Conference Proceedings H.J. Pasman, W.J. Rogers
Measurements of Effective Diffusion Coefficient of Helium and Hydrogen Through Gypsum 2011 Conference Proceedings J.C. Yang, W.M. Pitts, M. Fernandez, K. Prasad
Natural and Forced Ventilation of Buoyant Gas Released in a Full-Scale Garage - Comparison of Mdoel Predictions and Experimental Data 2011 Conference Proceedings K. Prasad, W.M. Pitts, M. Fernandez, J.C. Yang
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