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Title Year Type Author(s)
Hydrogen Onboard Storage - An Insertion of the Probabilistic Approach into Standards & Regulations-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings G.W. Mair
Safety Distances - Definition and Values-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings F. Fineschi, M.N. Carcassi, L. Lusini, F. Pilo
Safety Aspects of Land-Use Planning Scenarios for a Future Infra Structure with Hydrogen Re-Fueling Stations-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings F. Fouillen, B. Valencia, J. Daubech, B. L'Hostis, Y. Flauw
Dynamic Crush Test on Hydrogen Pressurized Cylinder-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings H. Mitsuishi, K. Oshino, S. Watanabe
Flame Characteristics of High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas Jet-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings T. Mogi, H. Nishida, S. Horiguchi
On Numerical Simulation of Liquefied and Gaseous Hydrogen Releases at Large Scales-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings V.V. Molkov, D.V. Marakov, E. Prost
CFD Simulation on Diffusion of Leaked Hydrogen Caused by Vehicle Accident in Tunnels-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings S. Mukai, J. Suzuki, H. Mitsuishi, K. Oyakawa, S. Watanabe
WEAR MECHANISMS OF PTFE IN HUMIDIFIED HYDROGEN GAS 2012 Book K. Nakashima, C. Morillo, Y. Kurono, Y. Sawae, J. Sugimura
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests with a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings T. Nozu, R. Tanaka, T. Ogawa, K. Hibi, Y. Sakai
Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings G.S. Baronov, S.A. Grigoriev, A.A. Kalinnikov, V.N. Fateev
Risk Assessment for Hydrogen Codes and Standards-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings J.M. Ohi, C. Moen, J. Keller, R. Cox
A technological solution for everywhere energy supply with sun, hydrogen and fuel cells 2005 Book F. Orecchini, A. Santiangeli, A. Dell'Era
Modelling of H2 Dispersion and Combustion Phenomena Using CFD Codes-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings H. Paillere, E. Studer, A. Beccantini, S. Kudriakov, F. Dabbene, C. Perrett
CFD Modeling for Helium Release in a Private Garage Without Forced Ventilation-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings E.A. Papanikolaou, A.G. Venetsanos
Structural integrity of hydrogen storage tanks at pre-stressing and operating pressures 2005 Book J.L. Parham, Y.B. Guo, W.H. Sutton
Gaseous Hydrogen Refuelling Stations - Selection of Materials for Hydrogen High Pressure Fuelling Connectors-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings H. Barthelemy, L. Allidieres
Case of Compressed Gaseous Tube Trailer-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings F. Pilo, L. Murano, A. Zanardo
Massive H2 Production with Nuclear Heating, Safety Approach for Coupling a VHTR with an Iodine Sulfur Process Cycle 2005 Conference Proceedings A. Bassi, F. Bertrand, D. Barbier, P. Aujollet, P. Anzieu
Safety Demands for Automotive Hydrogen Storage Systems-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings H. Rybin, G. Krainz, G. Bartlok, E. Kratzer
Study of Hydrogen Enriched Premixed Flames-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings V. Di Sarli, A. Di Benedetto
Massive H2 Production with Nuclear Heating, Safety Approach for Coupling a VHTR with an Iodinne Sulfur Process Cycle-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings A. Bassi, F. Bertrand, D. Barbier, P. Aujollet, P. Anzieu
Detonation Initiation of Hydrocarbon-air Mixtures in a Pulsed Detonation Engine 2005 Journal Article F.R. Schauer, C.L. Miser, K.C. Tucker, R.P. Bradley, J.L. Hoke
Large Scale Experiments - Deflagration and Deflagration to Detonation Within a Partial Confinement Similar to a Lane-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings H. Schneider
Explosion Characteristics of Hydrogen-air and Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixtures at Elevated Pressures-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings V. Schroeder, K. Holtappels
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