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Title Year Type Author(s)
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety. Five Year Plan for HAMMER 2005 Conference Proceedings B.R. Kinzey, L.L. Fassbender, B.M. Akers
Hydrogen Safety: From Policies To Plans To Practices 2005 Conference Proceedings S.C. Weiner, R.A. Kallman, A. Ruiz, J.M. Schneider
Modelling of H2 Dispersion and Combustion Phenomena Using CFD Codes 2005 Conference Proceedings H. Paillere, E. Studer, A. Beccantini, S. Kudriakov, F. Dabbene, C. Perret
A Hydrogen-air Explosion in a Process Plant: A Case History 2005 Conference Proceedings D. Bjerketvedt, A. Mjaavatten
Spontaneous Ignition of Hydrogen Leaks - a Review of Postulated Mechanisms-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings G.R. Astbury, S.J. Hawksworth
Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training 2005 Conference Proceedings A.E. Dahoe, V.V. Molkov
Evaluation of Safety Distances Related to Unconfined Hydrogen Explosions-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings S.B. Dorofeev
Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Release, Mixture and Dispersion in Atmosphere 2005 Conference Proceedings E.A. Granovskiy, V.A. Lyfar, Y.A. Skob, M.L. Ugryumov
Simulations of Hydrogen Releases From a Storage Tanks: Dispersion and Consequences of Ignition 2005 Conference Proceedings B. Angers, A. Hourri, P. Benard, P. Tessier, J. Perrin
CFD Modelling of Accidental Hydrogen Release from Pipelines-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings H. Wilkening, D. Baraldi
Pool Spreading and Vaporization of Liquid Hydrogen-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings K. Verfondern, B. Dienhart
Vertical Turbulent Buoyant Helium Jet - CFD Modeling and Validation 2005 Conference Proceedings C. Z, A. V.M., T. A.V.
PRD Hydrogen Release and Dispersion, a Comparison of CFD Results Obtained From Using Ideal and Real Gas Law Properties 2005 Conference Proceedings Z. Cheng, V.M. Agranat, A.V. Tchouvelev, W. Houf, S.V. Zhubrin
Numerical Study of a Higly Under-expanded Hydrogen Jet 2005 Conference Proceedings B.P. Xu, J.P. Zhang, J.X. Wen, S. Dembele, J. Karwatzki
CFD Modelling of Large-Scale LH2 Spills in Open Environment 2005 Conference Proceedings A.G. Venetsanos
Hydrogen Detection: Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS 2005 Conference Proceedings A. Kebler, W. Ehrhardt, G. Langer
On Numerical Simulation of Liquefied and Gaseous Hydrogen Releases At Large Scales 2005 Conference Proceedings V.V. Molkov, D.V. Makarov, E. Prost
Explosion Characteristics of Hydrogen-air and Hydrogen-oxygen Mixtures At Elevated Pressures 2005 Conference Proceedings V. Schroeder, K. Holtappels
Role of Chemical Kinetics on the Detonation Properties of Hydrogen/natural Gas/ Air Mixtures 2005 Conference Proceedings N. Chaumeix, S. Pichon, F. Lafosse, N. Udari, C.E. Paillard
An Intercomparison Exercise on the Capabilities of CFD Models To Predict Deflagration of a Large-scale H2-air Mixture in Open Atmosphere 2005 Conference Proceedings E. Gallego, J. Garcia, E. Migoya, A. Crespo, A. Kotchourko, J. Yanez, A. Beccantini, O.R. Hansen, D. Baraldi, S. Hoiset, M.M. Voort, V. Molkov
Characterization of the Hazards From Jet Releases of Hydrogen 2005 Conference Proceedings L.C. Shirvill, P. Roberts, C.J. Butler, T.A. Roberts, M. Royle
Analysis Methodology for Hydrogen Behaviour in Accident Scenarios 2005 Conference Proceedings W. Breitung
Methodology of CFD Safety Analysis for Large-Scale Industrial Structures 2005 Conference Proceedings A. Kotchourko
Large Scale Experiments: Deflagration and Deflagration To Detonation Within a Partial Confinement Similar To a Lane 2005 Conference Proceedings H. Schneider
Experimental Study on Hydrogen Explosions in a Full-Scale Hydrogen Filling Station Model 2005 Conference Proceedings T. Tanaka, T. Azuma, J.A. Evans, P.M. Cronin, D.M. Johnson, R.P. Cleaver
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