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Title | Year | Type | Author(s) |
Inactivation of BVDV (experimental model for hepatitis C) using low pH and heat treatment in intravenous human immunoglobulins | 1999 | Journal Article | I.J.Ruibal Brunet, N. Romero, A.T.Rivero Mas, R.Z.Martin Garcia |
Safety Issues With Hydrogen As a Vehicle Fuel | 1999 | Report | L.C. Cadwallader, J.S. Herring |
Evaluating a persistent nuisance odor in an office building | 2012 | Journal Article | D. Ceballos, G. Burr |
Study on the Operational Window of a Swirl Stabilized Syngas Burner Under Atmospheric and High Pressure Conditions | 2012 | Journal Article | C. Mayer, J. Sangl, T. Sattelmayer, T. Lachaux, S. Bernero |
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