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Title | Year | Type | Author(s) |
Dispersion of Hydrogen Clouds | 2000 | Journal Article | M.R. Swain, E.S. Grilliot, M.N. Swain |
Challenges for Safe Hydrogen Vehicles | 2000 | Journal Article | R. Szamer |
Detailed Modeling of the Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Reaction H + O2 (+m) - Ho2 (+m) | 2000 | Journal Article | J. Troe |
Standards for Hydrogen Energy Systems | 2000 | Journal Article | T.K. Bose, S. Gingras |
Numerical simulation and safety evaluation of tunnel accidents with a hydrogen powered vehicle | 2000 | Book | W. Breitung, U. Bielert, G. Necker, A. Veser, F.J. Wetzel, K. Pehr |
On the decay of homogeneous isotropic turbulence | 2000 | Journal Article | L. Skrbek, S. Stalp |
A thickened flame model for large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed combustion | 2000 | Journal Article | O. Colin, F. Ducros, D. Veynante, T. Poinsot |
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