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Title | Year | Type | Author(s) |
Hydrogen safety sensor performance and use gap analysis | 2017 | Conference Proceedings | William Buttner, Robert Burgess, Kara Schmidt, et al. |
Empirical profiling of cold hydrogen plumes formed from venting of LH2 storage vessels | 2017 | Conference Proceedings | W. Breitung, G. Halmer, M. Kuznetsou, J. Xiao |
Test methodologies for hydrogen sensor performance assessment: chamber vs. flow-through test apparatus | 2017 | Conference Proceedings | Rafael Cebolla, Eveline Weidner, Christian Bonato, et al. |
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of H2-Air and H2-O2 Detonation Parameters in a 9 m Long Tube, Introduction of a New Detonation Model | 2017 | Conference Proceedings | K. Malik, M. Zbikowski, P. Lesiak |
Fire tests carried out in FCH JU FIRECOMP project, recommendations and application to safety of gas storage systems | 2017 | Conference Proceedings | Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Simon Jallais, Béatrice Fuster |
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