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Title | Year | Type | Author(s) |
Hydrogen detected by the naked eye: optical hydrogen gas sensors based on core/shell plasmonic nanorod metamaterials | 2014 | Journal Article | F. DiMeo, I.S. Chen, P. Chen, J. Neuner, M. Stawasz, J. Welch, A. Rohrl |
Case studies of hydrogen sulphide occupational exposure incidents in the UK | 2014 | Journal Article | A. Ruiz |
An in situ tensile test apparatus for polymers in high pressure hydrogen | 2014 | Journal Article | R. Burgess, C. Rivkin, C. Blake, R. Hewett, E. Tracy, J. Ohi, D. Barley, K. Gawlik, B. Buttner |
Hydrogen Cooling Options for MgB(2)-based Superconducting Systems | 2014 | Journal Article | L. Fassbender |
HYDROGEN GENERATION CAN REDUCE NEW PLANT DESIGN AND BUILDING COSTS | 2014 | Book | T. Rockward, E. Brosha, F. Garzon, R. Mukundan, C. Padro |
Energetic-particle-driven instabilities and induced fast-ion transport in a reversed field pinch | 2014 | Journal Article | S.C. Weiner |
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