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Title | Year | Type | Author(s) |
Numerical Simulation and Experiments of Hydrogen Diffusion Behavior for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle-Presentation | 2011 | Audiovisual | M. Matsumoto, K. Shimizu |
HIAD-Presentation | 2011 | Audiovisual | M.C. Galassi, E. Papanikolaou, D. Baraldi, E. Funnemark, E. Haland, A. Engebo, G.P. Haugom, T. Jordan, A. Tchouvelev |
Round Table Discussion - International Collaboration on Hydrogen Safety-Presentation | 2011 | Audiovisual | A. Tchouvelev |
CFD Analysis | 2011 | Audiovisual | D. Baraldi, E. Papanikolaou, M. Heitsch, P. Moretto, R.S. Cant, D. Roekaerts, S. Dorofeev, A. Kotchourko, P. Middha, A.V. Tchouvelev, S. Ledin, J. Wen, A. Venetsanos, V.V. Molkov |
Combustion | 2011 | Audiovisual | Shengchao Rui, Qiao Wang, Feng Chen, Quan Li, Jin Guo, Jingui Wang, Changjian Wang |
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