In industrial buildings explosion relief panels or doors are often used to reduce damages caused by gas explosion. Decades of research produced a significant contribution to the understanding of the phenomena aiming at establish an effective method by which the explosive overpressure could be reliably predicted. All the methods predict a monotonic increase of the overpressure with the concentration of the gas in the range from the lower explosion limit to the stoichiometric one. Nevertheless in few cases a non-monotonic behaviour of the maximum developed pressure as a function of hydrogen concentration was reported in the literature. The non-monotonic behaviour was also observed during experimental tests performed at the Scalbatraio laboratory at the University of Pisa, in a 25m 3 vented combustion test facility, with a vent area of 1,12m 2 . This paper is aimed to present the results obtained during the tests and to investigate the possible explanation of the phenomenon. Key words: Hydrogen, Vent, Deflagration
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