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Consideration of use of hydrogen as a common fuel always raises questions on the matter of safety. The hazardous properties of hydrogen should not disqualify it for widespread use.

Hydrogen has been used as a transmissible fuel for 150 yr (mixed with carbon monoxide in water gas) and as a portable fuel in cryogenic form within this generation.

The accident experience with hydrogen, other than its use in lighter-than-air craft, has not been inordinately worse than the accident experience with more commonly used fuels.

Hydrogen has unique properties which require special treatment to lessen risk: broad combustible range, low energy for ignition, rapid diffusion rate and, as a cryogen, the capability to create high pressures if confined without available relief, and the ability to condense all other gases except helium.

Year of Publication
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Number of Pages
ISBN Number
Accession Number
Alternate Journal
Int J Hydrogen Energ
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