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Hydrogen stations and supply systems for public transport have been demonstrated in a number ofEuropean cities during the last four years. The first refuelling facility was put into operation inReykjavik in April 2003. Experience from the four years of operation shows that safety relatedincidents are more frequent in the user interface than in the other parts of the hydrogen refuellingstation (HRS). This might be expected, taking into account the fact that the refuelling is manuallyoperated, and that, according to industrial statistics, human failures normally stand for more than 80%2of all safety related incidents. On the other hand the HRS experience needs special attention since therefuelling at the existing stations is carried out by well trained personnel, and that procedures andsystems are followed closely. So far the quality and safety approach to hydrogen refuelling stationshas been based on industrial experience. This paper addresses the challenge related to the developmentof safe, robust and easy to operate refuelling systems. Such systems require well adapted componentsand system solutions, as well as user procedures. The challenge to adapt the industrial based qualityand safety philosophy and methodologies to new hydrogen applications and customers in the publicsector is addressed. Risk based safety management and risk acceptance criteria relevant to users andthird party are discussed in this context. Human factors and the use of incident reporting as a tool forcontinuous improvement are also addressed. The paper is based on internal development programmesfor hydrogen refuelling stations in Hydro and on participation in international EU and IPHE projectssuch as CUTE, HyFLEET:CUTE, HySafe, and HyApproval.

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