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Dear Hydrogen Safety Stakeholders:
The International Association for Hydrogen Safety (IA HySafe) has organized a series of conferences on hydrogen safety. After ICHS in Pisa in 2005, San Sebastian in 2007, Ajaccio in 2009, and San Francisco in 2011, IA HySafe organized the 5th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS2013) on September 9–11 2013, in Brussels (Belgium).

Selected papers from ICHS2005, ICHS2007 and ICHS2009 have been published in Special Issues of this journal IJHE, Volume 32, Issue 13, September 2007; IJHE, Volume 34, Issue 14, July 2009 and IJHE, Volume 36, Issue3, February 2011.

At ICHS2011, the Association decided to publish a series of special issues on hydrogen safety. Special Issue HySafe#1 was published in November 2012 and HySafe#2 in June 2013. This is Special Issue HySafe#3 which contains mostly new papers not presented at the conference. This will be the final Hysafe# special issue. In the future, IJHE will publish just one special issue with selected papers from each ICHS conference.

We hope you will enjoy this final HYSAFE# special issue as well as the future special issues from ICHS conferences.

HySafe Special Issues Editorial Board:
Dr. Jennifer Wen (The University of Warwick)

Dr. Geoff Chamberlain (Waverton Consultancy Ltd.)

Professor Marco Carcassi (University of Pisa)

Dr. Sergey Dorofeev (FM Global)

Professor Vladimir Molkov (University of Ulster)

Year of Publication
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Number of Pages
ISBN Number
Accession Number
Alternate Journal
Int J Hydrogen Energ
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