Safety-barrier diagrams have proven to be a useful tool in documenting the safety measures taken to preventincidents and accidents in process industry. In Denmark they are used to inform the authorities and the non-experts on safety relevant issues as safety-barrier diagrams are less complex compared to fault trees and areeasy to understand. Internationally there is a growing interest in this concept with the use of so-called ?bow-tie? diagrams, which are a special case of safety-barrier diagrams. Especially during the on-goingintroduction of new hydrogen technologies or applications, as e.g. hydrogen refueling stations, this techniqueis considered a valuable tool to support the communication with authorities and other stakeholders during thepermitting process. Another advantage of safety-barrier diagrams is that there is a direct focus on thosesystem elements that need to be subject to safety management in terms of design and installation, operationaluse, inspection and monitoring, and maintenance. Safety-barrier diagrams support both quantitative andqualitative or deterministic approaches. The paper will describe the background and syntax of themethodology and thereafter the use of such diagrams for hydrogen technologies are demonstrated.
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