Summary Bullets
Failure of management to understand the root cause
Disciplinary actions result in unintended consequences
Absence of an open, questioning environment
An incident investigation resulted in two facility personnel being suspended without pay for two weeks. A year later another investigation also resulted in disciplinary action. Both incidents involved fires that caused significant property damage, lost production, and some minor injuries to facility personnel. The local fire department responded to both incidents, and the media coverage was strongly negative.
What Happened
The Facility Manager stated at a safety meeting that disciplinary actions were the only way to instill a firm sense of accountability. Following these investigations, the level of participation and cooperation in any safety related activity decreased markedly, especially in incident investigations, including near misses.
Why did the participation and cooperation in safety efforts, especially incident investigations, drop off? Do you think the facility found and corrected root causes of incidents?
Why did the participation and cooperation in safety efforts, especially incident investigations, drop off? Do you think the facility found and corrected root causes of incidents?
Safety Culture Focus
Management focused on individual failures rather than the weaknesses of the safety culture that contributed to the failures leading to the incidents.
Disciplinary actions reduced mutual trust and cooperation within the organization undermining communications and the ability to determine the root causes.
Managements corrective actions sabotaged the opportunity for open dialogue with workers and continuous improvement of the safety culture and worker performance.
Safety Culture Focus Note
**Only 46% of those surveyed indicated employee involvement was a strength in their organization.**
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