An under-expanded hydrogen jet from high-pressure equipment or storage tank is a potential incident scenario. Experiments demonstrated that the delayed ignition of a highly turbulent under-expanded hydrogen jet generates a blast wave able to harm people and damage property. There is a need for engineering tools to predict the pressure effects during such incidents to define hazard distances. The similitude analysis is applied to build a correlation using available experimental data.
Hydrogen liquid and gas properties and risks.
This report is developed as a part of the project “EMSA study investigating the safety of hydrogen as fuel on ships”. The overall objective of the project is to carry out a structured set of safety assessments and reliability analyses,delivering a Guidance document addressing ships using hydrogen as fuel. The purpose is to assist the industry and the regulators towards a safe and harmonised deployment of this relevant technology that could demonstrate an important step towards decarbonisation of the sector.

Fuel Cell Basics and ApplicationsProperties of HydrogenPrimary Codes and StandardsFundamental Safety ConsiderationsHydrogen Safety ResourcesFirst Responder Training ResourcesConcluding Thoughts

AS THE WORLD SEEKS TO IDENTIFY alternative energy sources, hydrogen-powered fuel cells offer a broad range of benefits for the environment, the economy, and energy security. Hydrogen fuel cells have the potential to replace the internal combustion engine and to provide power in a wide range of stationary and portable applications.

Introduce the Hydrogen Safety Panel (HSP)Introduce key hydrogen safety resources that are availableOpen discussion on your hydrogen safety issues and needsExplore how the HSP can help the safe rollout of hydrogen and fuel cell technologiesIdentify projects that could utilize the HSP for impactful safety reviews

PNNL’s Hydrogen Safety ProgramWhy Hydrogen Fuel?Hydrogen – A Clean, Flexible Energy CarrierWhy Fuel Cells? H2@scale: Enabling Affordable, Reliable, Clean, and Secure Energy Across SectorsUpward trend with global fuel cell shipments 2018 U.S. Snapshot More details in Slides

The Hydrogen Safety Panel was tasked with conducting work under the project “Hydrogen Safety Panel Review of Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Projects,” through memorandum purchase order DCO-0-40618-01 with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding. Panel members reviewed project safety plans, conducted safety review site visits for selected projects, and prepared safety evaluation reports for the sites visited that included safety recommendations for the project teams.

VIII.10 Hydrogen Safety Panel

VIII.9 Hydrogen Safety Panel and Hydrogen Safety Knowledge Tools