The "draft" technical paper provides a brief gap analysis of the Codes and Standards for Delayed Ignition with a focus on discharge of warm gas and thermal radiation and impingement.

Fuel Cell Basics and ApplicationsProperties of HydrogenPrimary Codes and StandardsFundamental Safety ConsiderationsHydrogen Safety ResourcesFirst Responder Training ResourcesConcluding Thoughts

AS THE WORLD SEEKS TO IDENTIFY alternative energy sources, hydrogen-powered fuel cells offer a broad range of benefits for the environment, the economy, and energy security. Hydrogen fuel cells have the potential to replace the internal combustion engine and to provide power in a wide range of stationary and portable applications.

The purpose of this guide is to assist users of codes and standards that apply to hydrogen application and use in understanding and applying the approval, certification, listing, and labeling provisions of the codes and standards, in any application where the required certification, listing, and labeling of services, methods, or equipment has not yet been established or achieved.

The HSP has reviewed many safety plans for gaseous hydrogen. An emerging trend is the use of liquid (cryogenic) hydrogen in the commercial market, potentially near residential areas, for fueling hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Finding a “qualified” person to determine liquid hydrogen code compliance is difficult, and the skills necessary of such an individual are not well defined in the codes and standards.

This document and its companion document, Safety Standard for Oxygen and Oxygen Systems (NSS1740.151996),are identified as Tier 2 Standards and Technical Requirements in the NASA Safety and Documentation Tree (NHB 1700.1 1993). The information presented is intended as a reference to hydrogen design and practice and not as an authorizing document. The words "shall" and "must" are used in this document to indicate a mandatory requirement, and the authority for the requirement is given.

Several codes require excess flow valves in pipelines so that in the case of line rupture, the flow will be shut off. In theory, this is a good idea, however, in practicality, it has many limitations. The sizing and practical uses make the sizing difficult if sometimes impossible, depending on the design parameters.