Contents 1 Climate Change Policy Objective 2 Hydrogen Flexibility 3 Hydrogen Production and Sources4 Hydrogen Properties5 Hydrogen Safety Codes and Standards Overview6 UK Hydrogen Blending Demo Approval7 US Hydrogen Blending Concept8 Pipeline Integrity9 Gas Composition Standards10 Pipeline Standards11 Hydrogen Safety Utilization 12 Conclusion

Fuel Cell Basics and ApplicationsProperties of HydrogenPrimary Codes and StandardsFundamental Safety ConsiderationsHydrogen Safety ResourcesFirst Responder Training ResourcesConcluding Thoughts

Introduce the Hydrogen Safety Panel (HSP)Introduce key hydrogen safety resources that are availableOpen discussion on your hydrogen safety issues and needsExplore how the HSP can help the safe rollout of hydrogen and fuel cell technologiesIdentify projects that could utilize the HSP for impactful safety reviews

PNNL’s Hydrogen Safety ProgramWhy Hydrogen Fuel?Hydrogen – A Clean, Flexible Energy CarrierWhy Fuel Cells? H2@scale: Enabling Affordable, Reliable, Clean, and Secure Energy Across SectorsUpward trend with global fuel cell shipments 2018 U.S. Snapshot More details in Slides