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OIML R 139 Compressed Gaseous Fuel Measuring Systems for Vehicles OIML R 139-1: Metrological and technical requirements
OIML R 139-2: Metrological controls and performance tests
OIML R 139-3: Test report...

Application Type
This Recommendation specifies the metrological and technical requirements applicable to compressed gaseous fuel measuring systems for vehicles, at type approval, initial verification and subsequent verifications. In general, the measuring systems that are covered by this Recommendation are intended for the refueling of road vehicles, small boats and aircraft with compressed natural gas, compressed gaseous hydrogen, biogas and gas blends. Applications with other compressed gaseous fuels are also covered. In principle, this Recommendation applies to all dynamic measuring systems fitted with a meter, whatever the measuring principle of the meters or their application.
Status Explanation
Published in 2007, 2014 and 2018. Available for downloading (free) at The 2018 revision mostly focused on ensuring that the Recommendation fully and accurately includes the proper requirements and test procedures for gaseous hydrogen fuel dispensers. This document will be submitted to the International Conference on Legal Metrology in 2020 for formal sanction.
Committee Information
OILM TC8 – Measurement of quantities of fluids OILM TC8/SC6 – Gas Metering Secretariat - Mathijs van der Wiel, Agentschap Telecom, Netherlands
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