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ISO 19881 Gaseous hydrogen -- Land vehicle fuel containers

Application Type

This document contains requirements for the material, design, manufacture, marking and testing of serially produced, refillable containers intended only for the storage of compressed hydrogen gas for land vehicle operation. These containers a) are permanently attached to the vehicle, b) have a capacity of up to 1 000 l water capacity, and c) have a nominal working pressure that does not exceed 70 MPa. The scope of this document is limited to fuel containers containing fuel cell grade hydrogen according to ISO 14687 for fuel cell land vehicles and Grade A or better hydrogen as per ISO 14687 for internal combustion engine land vehicles. This document also contains requirements for hydrogen fuel containers acceptable for use on-board light duty vehicles, heavy duty vehicles and industrial powered trucks such as forklifts and other material handling vehicles.

Status Explanation

Published October 2018. The next edition is in the Draft International Standard phase.

Available at:

Adopted as a standard in Australia (modified) and South Korea.

For availability and current edition in Australia, see: or

For availability and current edition in South Korea, see:


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