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IEEE P1547.9 Guide to Using IEEE Standard 1547 for Interconnection of Energy Storage Distributed Energy Resources with Electric Power Systems


This Guide provides information on and examples of how to apply the IEEE Std 1547, for the interconnection of Energy Storage Distributed Energy Resources (DER ES). Scope includes DER ES connected to area Electric Power Systems (local EPSs) that are capable of bidirectional real and reactive power flow, and are capable of exporting real power to the EPS. Guidance is also provided for non-exporting DER ES, such as Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) type systems that support onsite loads, or Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers, with charging attributes that could have power system impacts, e.g. modulating rate of charge proportionally to system frequency.   The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance on prudent and technically sound approaches to interconnection of DER ES to power systems. This guideline will also consider ES-related topics not currently addressed or fully covered in the main IEEE 1547 Standard document. For example: 1). Guidance for interconnection of EV charging stations with the ability for exporting (i.e., bidirectional real or reactive power exchange) to the connected power system (i.e., “V2G”). 2). Guidance on when ES are or are not within the scope of P1547. For example, 1547.9 would expand on the exceptions for systems that are non-exporting, e.g. UPS that receive energy from the grid, but only use it for premise loads while off-grid. 3). Guidance on charging and generation constraints to minimize negative impacts in the distribution system. This project and product will also set a basis for future development of industry best practices for development of DER ES-specific interconnection requirements that could be considered in future revision of the core IEEE 1547 Standard.

Status Explanation

Published in 2022.

Available at

Committee Information

Chairman Michael Ropp (Sandia)

Secretariat NREL                                  

IEEE Manager Michael Kipness

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