EC 62282-6-200:2016 specifies test methods for the performance evaluation of micro fuel cell power systems for laptop computers, mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), cordless home appliances, TV broadcast cameras, autonomous robots, etc. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - deletion of 5.3 (Fuel consumption test) as it was impractical to measure the actual consumption rate of some kinds of fuels; - addition and modification of some terms and definitions.
The 3rd edition was published in September 2016. (1st edition; 2007; 2nd edition 2012). The stabilization date for the next edition is 2024.
Available in English and French at:
This standard has been adopted in: the EU (EN IEC 62282-6-200), China (GB/T 23751.2-2009) (under revision), South Korea (KS C IEC 62282-6-200), Taiwan (CNS 15468-6-200) and South Africa.
For availability and current edition in Europe, see:
For availability and current edition in South Korea, see:
For availability and current edition of the adapted standard in Japan, see:
For availability and current edition in South Africa, see:
For availability and current edition in Taiwan, see:
Chairman: Hiroshi Yokoyama Secretariat: JEMA Secretary: Hiromichi Kinoshita, Shoko Falvo (translator)