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IEC 62282-6-101 Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety - General requirements

Application Type

This consumer safety standard covers micro fuel cell power systems and fuel cartridges that are wearable or easily carried by hand, providing d.c. (direct current) outputs that do not exceed 60 V d.c. and power outputs that do not exceed 240 VA. 

Portable fuel cell power systems that provide output levels that exceed these electrical limits are covered by IEC 62282-5-1. 

Externally accessible circuitry is therefore considered to be ES1 energy source as defined in IEC 62368-1, and as limited power source if further compliance with Annex Q of IEC 62368-1 is demonstrated. Micro fuel cell power systems that have internal circuitry exceeding 60 V d.c. or 240 VA should be appropriately evaluated in accordance with the separate criteria of IEC 62368-1. 

This consumer safety standard covers micro fuel cell power systems and fuel cartridges. This standard establishes requirements for micro fuel cell power systems and fuel cartridges to ensure a reasonable degree of safety for normal use, reasonably foreseeable misuse, and cargo and consumer transportation and storage of such items. The fuel cartridges covered by this standard are not intended to be refilled by the consumer. Fuel cartridges refilled by the manufacturer or by trained technicians shall meet all requirements of this standard. 

These products are not intended for use in hazardous areas as defined by IEV 426-03-01.

Status Explanation

IEC 62282-6-100 was published in March 2010. A corrigendum was published December 2011. An amendment was published October 2012. The March 2010 standard was re-published with the corrigendum and the amendment as IEC 62282-6-100 (2012-10) Ed.1.1. 

The 2nd edition was published in 2024 as IEC 62282-6-101 Part 1 General Requirements, and IEC 62282-6-100 has been withdrawn. Other documents will be developed for specific technologies.  Those under development include: 6-106 Indirect Class 8 (corrosive) compounds 6-107 Indirect water-reactive (Division 4.3) compounds 6-109 Butane, solid oxide fuel cells 6-110 Methanol                                          

This standard has been adopted in: the EU (62282-6-100/A1:2013) and South Africa (SANS 62282-6-100:2021). 

For availability and current edition in Europe, see:

For availability and current edition in South Africa, see:

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