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Codes and Standards Guidance

Codes & Standards Guidance

Follow the most up-to-date industry codes & standards to ensure safety of the project.


Best Practices

Publicly document the codes being used and frequency of updates. Digitize records of permitting documents.


Necessary Knowledge

Codes & Standards Overview

Find an overview of hydrogen codes and standards here: Codes & Standards Overview — Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Safety

Codes & Standards Online Course

Complete this Web based course on codes & standards. It was developed to help code officials:

  • Understand the basic properties of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies
  • Be familiar with fuel cell applications
  • Know where to find codes and standards applicable to hydrogen technologies

Find the course here: Introduction to Hydrogen for Code Officials : DOE Hydrogen Program



NFPA 2 is the most up-to-date code and standard for hydrogen. For an overview of NFPA 2, start here: NFPA 2 Training May2018 | Hydrogen Tools. For the NFPA 2 official document, click here: NFPA 2: Hydrogen Technologies Code.


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