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Li, M. ., Li, R. ., & Wang, C. . (2023). Characteristics of flame velocity and burning rate of large-scale continuous leakage spilling fire of n-butanol fuel. Fuel, 332, 9.
Li, M. ., Hu, P. ., Ji, J. ., & Wang, C. . (2022). Motion of Liquid Convective Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of Flame Spread over butanol fuel within narrow channels. Fire Safety Journal, 127, 8.
Li, M. ., Han, G. ., & Yang, S. . (2021). Experimental investigation on flame morphology and improved flame radiation model of rectangular heptane pool fire. Process Safety Progress, 41, S53-S58.
Li, M. ., Hu, P. ., Wang, C. ., & Liu, Z. . (2021). Flame spread over n‐butanol fuel at sub‐flashpoint temperature with steps in the gas phase. Process Safety Progress, 41, S39-S44.
Yang, S. ., Pu, F. ., Wang, Z. ., Liu, Z. ., & Li, M. . (2021). Number concentration and size distribution of soot aerosols of heptane fire at low pressures. Fire and Materials, 46, 993-999.
Li, M. ., Xu, J. ., Li, Q. ., Wang, C. ., Wang, B. ., & Jiang, J. . (2019). Explosion mitigation of methane‐air mixture in combined application of inert gas and ABC dry powders in a closed compartment. Process Safety Progress, 39, 10.
Pan, Y. ., Li, M. ., Wang, C. ., Luo, X. ., & Luo, Q. . (2019). Experimental investigation of spilling fire spread over steady flow n‐butanol fuel: Effects of flow speed and spreading direction. Process Safety Progress, 39, 9.
Li, M. ., Luo, Q. ., Shu, Z. ., Chen, H. ., Pan, Y. ., & Li, R. . (2020). Experimental Investigation of Thermophysical Properties and Combustion Characteristics of Thickened Jet Fuel. Combustion Science and Technology, 193, 1914-1930.
Li, M. ., Zhang, C. ., Sun, L. ., Yang, S. ., Zhao, Y. ., & Jiang, H. . (2020). Phenomenological characterization and thermal analysis of flame spread over jet fuel: influence of radiant exposure time. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 144, 835-845.
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