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Prabhakar, A. ., Agrawal, N. ., Raghavan, V. ., & Das, S. K. (2017). Experimental investigations on the evolution of stratified layer of helium in the unventilated vertical cylindrical enclosure of AIHMS facility under wall temperature induced natural convection. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 323, 367-375.
Prabhakar, A. ., Agrawal, N. ., Raghavan, V. ., & Das, S. K. (2018). An experimental study on the effect of coaxial circular disk obstacle on helium jet distribution inside the unventilated enclosure of AIHMS facility. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 116, 347-359.
Prabhakar, A. ., Agrawal, N. ., Raghavan, V. ., & Das, S. K. (2017). Numerical modelling of isothermal release and distribution of helium and hydrogen gases inside the AIHMS cylindrical enclosure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 15435-15447.
Prabhakar, A. ., Agrawal, N. ., Raghavan, V. ., & Das, S. K. (2016). Experimental investigation on helium distribution and stratification in unventilated vertical cylindrical enclosure - Effect of jet release rates and total release volume. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, 23213-23228.
Agrawal, N. ., & Das, S. K. (2015). Numerical Studies on Hydrogen Distribution in Enclosures in the Presence of Condensing Steam. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme, 137, 10.
Agrawal, N. ., Velusamy, K. ., & Das, S. K. (2013). A study on the scaling features for mixing and deflagration potential of stratified layer of hydrogen due to molecular diffusion. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 48, 28-33.
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