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McCarthy, K. A., Smolik, G. R., Anderl, R. A., Carmack, W. J., & Longhurst, G. R. (1997). An overview of INEL fusion safety R&D facilities. Journal of Fusion Energy, 16, 113-118.
Smolik, G. R., Merrill, B. J., & Wallace, R. S. (1992). Implications of Beryllium - Steam Interactions in Fusion-Reactors. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 191, 153-157.
Anderl, R. A., Pawelko, R. J., Smolik, G. R., Piazza, G. ., Scaffidi-Argentina, F. ., & Snead, L. L. (2002). Steam oxidation of PFC materials for advanced tokamaks. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 307, 1375-1379.
Smolik, G. R., Pawelko, R. J., Anderl, R. A., & Petti, D. A. (2001). Oxidation and volatilization from tungsten brush high heat flux armor during steam exposure. Fusion Engineering and Design, 54, 583-591.
McCarthy, K. A., Smolik, G. R., Anderl, R. A., Pawelko, R. J., Oates, M. A., & Wallace, R. S. (1997). Chemical reactivity and mobilization of beryllium exposed to steam. Fusion Engineering and Design, 37, 543-552.
Smolik, G. R., McCarthy, K. A., Petti, D. A., & Coates, K. . (1998). Hydrogen generation from steam reaction with tungsten. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 258, 1979-1984.
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