Summary Bullets
Failure to manage classification change in system process
Failure to identify implications of schedule change on Inspection, Testing, Preventive Maintenance (ITPM)
Failure to coordinate key performance indicators with ITPM
A facility tracks an overdue ITPM metric monthly. The data is reported to a corporate process safety metrics program, and the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is analyzed and published for everyone in the company to see. The values for all facilities, since the metrics program was established three years ago have been consistently above 99% completed on time, which the company was proud about result.
What Happened
The facility had just undergone a major turnaround that was planned to be 3 weeks but was shortened by 5 days due to production pressures. The month following the end of the turnaround, the overdue ITPM KPI still showed 99.6 % ITPM completion. Upon closer review it was discovered that 75 ITPM tasks scheduled for the turnaround had not been performed due to the shorter time. This included many proof tests of Basic Process Control System and Safety Instrumented System functions.
The overdue ITPM KPI did not reflect these unperformed tasks because they had been reclassified in the maintenance management system as turnaround maintenance tasks and not recurring maintenance tasks, while the KPI only considered recurring maintenance tasks.
Planned turnarounds do get shortened. However, some ITPM tasks can only be performed during turnarounds. What can be concluded about a facility that does not consider turnaround ITPM tasks in its ITPM KPI? Do you think ITPM was considered in the decision to shorten the turnaround? If business considerations really required shortening the turnaround, what should the facility have done to ensure that turnaround ITPM was conducted?
The overdue ITPM KPI did not reflect these unperformed tasks because they had been reclassified in the maintenance management system as turnaround maintenance tasks and not recurring maintenance tasks, while the KPI only considered recurring maintenance tasks.
Planned turnarounds do get shortened. However, some ITPM tasks can only be performed during turnarounds. What can be concluded about a facility that does not consider turnaround ITPM tasks in its ITPM KPI? Do you think ITPM was considered in the decision to shorten the turnaround? If business considerations really required shortening the turnaround, what should the facility have done to ensure that turnaround ITPM was conducted?
Safety Culture Focus
Safety must be integrated into all processes and activities including ITPM and KPI.
Effective and timely communication is essential to review safety implications from schedule changes.
Maintaining a questioning environment can help identify data abnormalities.
Safety Culture Focus Note
**Only 37% of those surveyed indicated management of change as a strength in their organization.**
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